Fantastic Forest Forage 2019 Pass


The Fantastic Forest Forage is a guided tour intended to help you unearth the edible bounty growing right on our doorsteps.




The Fantastic Forest Forage is a guided tour intended to help you unearth the edible bounty growing right on our doorsteps.

Our experts will explore several locations including the stunning Assiniboine Forest, one of Canada’s largest protected urban green spaces. We cover tools of the trade and plant identification, talk traditional uses and medicinal benefits, and sample everything we find.

Different wild edibles bloom at different times, and many offer several opportunities for harvesting.

The Fantastic Forest Forage pass offers access to any and all of our 2019 season sessions. At $40, that’s only $10 per session for a full season of growing.


Additional information

Dates & Locations

Sunday, June 9, Saturday, July 27, Sunday, August 18, Wednesday, September 11