Recipe: Oysters Mignonette

Alleged aphrodisiac, classic champagne companion this is a beautiful appetizer that’s easy to prepare.

  • 1 Cup diced shallots
  • 3/4 Cup red wine vinegar
  • 1/4 Cup dry red wine
  • 1/4 Cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/8 tsp cracked black pepper
  • 20 Oysters
  • 1/4 Cup chopped fresh chives
  1. In a medium bowl combine shallots, vinegar, wine, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Let stand about 20 minutes or until shallots soften.
  2. Meanwhile, clean oysters under cold running water. Hold oyster in a clean, heavy hand towel. Insert tip of blunt tipped knife in the hinge of the shell (where top and bottom shells come together. Move blade along inside of upper shells to separate. Slide the knife under the oyster to sever it from the bottom shell. Discard the flat top shells and rinse the deep bottom and use as serving receptacle.
  3. Top each oyster with some of the mignonette and garnish lightly with chives.
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